Do You Need Help With Your Website?

Do You Need Help With Your Website?

Websites are essential for every business. Simply put. A business, product, or service that does not appear online when a consumer searches for it is unlikely to survive for long. I won’t waste a lot of time explaining this to you if you’re reading this article.

A website can be extremely beneficial to any business. Your brand has an on-call sales representative who is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Would-be customers can (and will) view your small business website well before they speak to anyone at your business.

Wynmore Media specializes in fast, easy, hassle-free, affordable website design for small businesses throughout central Florida. Our services include web design, social media management, and content writing.

There is no question that it is very valuable to those who find you on the Internet – but it is very valuable to people who hear about your business through referrals and word-of-mouth as well. In order to win even these warm leads, you must present yourself in a positive light. You might be repelling referral traffic even if you have no website (or a poor website).

However, don’t let this get you too hung up – having an effective website is less difficult than most people believe. In addition, it does not have to be too expensive.

The most important thing you must remember before deciding to hire a website design company is to be educated on all of the things to consider before building (or re-designing) a website for your business.

Too many stories of web design going wrong for small businesses have been told by us over the years. The developer team disappeared entirely mid-project, promised something in a day but delivered it in a month, and many other things. Thankfully, when you work with a reputable, professional and caring web design company, none of these issues will arise.

Before hiring any web design company, let’s go over the top factors to consider.

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5 Components To A Digital Marketing Plan

5 Components To A Digital Marketing Plan

There are a lot of moving parts involved in digital marketing, and they all work together to create a successful campaign. It is true that having something online is better than having nothing, but without all these components working together, you will not have a complete game plan to set you up for success. For example, posting on Facebook is great, but only for those people who already follow you. In order to grow your business and develop new leads, you need these 5 components of digital marketing all working in concert. Those leads must then be converted into actual sales with another component, and this is typically email marketing.

Every component of digital marketing is essential, from simple social media postings to email newsletters to conversion content (i.e. free downloads as lead magnets) — each of these is equally important. I’ll show you why each of these marketing strategies is indispensable and how you can leverage them to increase sales.

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4 Reasons You Need To Be Blogging For Business

4 Reasons You Need To Be Blogging For Business

I know first-hand how hard it is to create new blog articles to expand your online presence for your small business. It simply isn’t possible to fit everything in! As a small business owner, you have to take care of your customers that are coming into your business. Then you have to handle the bookkeeping at the end of the day. You might be able to squeeze an hour or two to write a blog article, or some other marketing activity that will keep the flow of new customers coming in. Taking all of that into account, you are probably working about 18 hours a day, 7 days a week. My experience in digital marketing tells me that blogging for business is a very effective way to make sure your brand gets noticed, and ultimately, more businesses and revenue will result. However, you have to be consistent. You have to create a schedule and stick to it. Even if it is only 1 blog article per month.

In this article, I am going to explain the four top reasons why you as a small business owner should be blogging for business, as well as some expert tips for creating an effective digital marketing strategy.

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What You Should Know About Online Marketing For Your Landscaping Business

What You Should Know About Online Marketing For Your Landscaping Business

The lawn and landscaping business is one of the most hyper-competitive industries in the United States. From your teenage son going door-to-door asking if they can mow your lawn for $20 to the large multi-million dollar companies. A quick search of Craigslist yields a plethora of companies vying for your business (It is worth noting that many of these companies on Craigslist are suspect, so buyer beware).

Any lawn and landscaping company’s overall marketing strategy needs to be dominated by the Internet. Online marketing for landscaping businesses is a complex process, with many different methods to choose from. Right now, your ideal customers are looking for landscapers like you on the Internet, regardless of whether you offer residential or commercial landscaping services. A constant flow of leads is attained by appearing on Google in as many places as possible.

With more than 10 years of experience producing leads for small businesses through effective digital marketing, Wynmore Media knows how to generate them. However, the Internet is not being used to its fullest potential by most small businesses, and as a result, they do not see the number of leads that they could get. In this article, I will be discussing six key digital marketing strategies for lawn and landscaping companies.

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Top 3 Reasons You’re Losing Customers…And How To Fix It

Top 3 Reasons You’re Losing Customers…And How To Fix It

Romark AC & Plumbing was a local plumbing and air conditioning contractor in Delray Beach, Florida. They were in business for over 20 years. However, it all came to a halt during the year we had hurricane Dorian knocking on the door. We were trying to get a hold of the owner for two weeks with no response. We called and called and no answer. I finally asked a few of my friends who live in West Palm Beach to pretend they are potential customers and call him. Same result! No answer! Not even a return phone call. This went on for an entire month. A year later, I find out that he went out of business. I wonder why!

Losing customers is never fun. Sometimes it is a necessary part of doing business because some business owners will welcome it if they are a problem client. If the customer is unprofitable and just costing you money, then you want to encourage that customer to leave and do business elsewhere. Every customer has a profit and loss attached to them, so you need to know how much gross profit each customer represents. If it is a net loss, cut them loose. This way you can focus your resources on serving your profitable customers.

Now, let’s say you are like Romark AC & Plumbing, who works hard to build a business and bring in new customers. When a company like this loses customers, it stings. Sometimes you will lose a customer and not know why. That one hurts even more! In this article we’re going to share the top 3 reasons you might be losing customers that you’re not even aware of. If you are a serious business owner, then fixing these issues can stop the bleeding that is costing your business every month.

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How To Use Facebook To Generate Leads

How To Use Facebook To Generate Leads

As society continues to shift towards all things digital, small business owners are struggling to find ways to generate new business. I mentioned in another article, How To Grow Your Small Business With Online Marketing, that there were three things that every small business owner needs to be doing to promote their small business. One of those things was social media. In this article, I will take you on a deep dive into how to use Facebook to generate leads for your business.

Facebook is a behemoth with over 2.8 billion users. That’s alot of potential eyeballs having their own social party 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Before we can start posting, there are a few things that a small business owner needs to master:

  1. Your personal profile
  2. Your business page
  3. Your groups
  4. Messenger
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How To Grow Your Small Business With Online Marketing?

How To Grow Your Small Business With Online Marketing?

Most clients that we deal with have no clue how online marketing works. Believe it or not, we still get clients that think that once their website has gone live they will start making money immediately.

After 10 plus years of working with small business owners helping them grow their business with online marketing, we have found that their are three methods that have been proven over and over again.

When you spend the time to work on these three methods below on a consistent bases, you will begin to see the fruits of your labor over time. Again, it may take three months, or six months to see results. However, these three methods below are proving to be gold in helping small businesses grow with online marketing.

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